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Sunday 5 July 2015

The Struggle is Real

Day 2

Good morning! Today I woke up feeling pretty positive on #clean 9! I was at my boyfriends house in Bedford and I had to catch a train at 10:45am so my morning consisted of showering and getting ready before taking my: 

  1. Garcinia Tablets x2
  2. +20 minutes, then my 120ml of Aloe Vera
  3. Half a pint of water 
  4. + 1 hour, then Bee Pollen Tablets x2
If I'm completely honest I am ecstatic that it is the last day of the cleanse and tomorrow I can actually consume real food.
The struggle is real- this takes a lot of commitment and a real want to change a lifestyle.

Today I experienced my first worry. As we drove past a fried chicken shop, Dominoes and a McDonalds I had huge cravings for any kind of food, normally I wouldn't even like fried chicken! However in between this  unhealthy binge mindset I have faith in myself to maintain this healthy diet. Alongside healthy food (I do this already to be honest) I have set myself the challenge whilst I'm at home from University to go running 3 times a week and at Uni I will replace this with the gym.

Lunchtime and I consume 5 slices of cucumber off of the free food list as I am at a family party with the most incredible BBQ and desserts... I'm jealous... but I am determined and I am surrounded by supportive people who encourage me to keep it up!
I take my shake , my aloe vera and the 4 tablets. 

Afternoon- I spend some time walking my 2 Labradoodles and I have a nice bath and watch the programmes I missed over the week. I take the aloe vera and tablets around 8pm (a little late for dinner) and have a very relaxed evening home alone!

I hope this gives a small insight into the kind of things you can do on the clean9 2 day cleanse. I put myself in 2 quite difficult situations of a delicious meal time at my boyfriends home and a family party. However I remained 100% strict with myself and I am really excited to have a low calorie dinner tomorrow night. It is important to do exercise too. Today I was busy spending time with family and friends but I still ensured I went on a 40 minute brisk walk, I would really like to increase my general fitness as I have always been quite fit. Next week I will be running 3 times a week so I will let you know how I am feeling!

Thanks for reading 


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